Viewing 65 - 80 out of 139 posts


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What To Know About the HPV Vaccine

The human papillomavirus (HPV), is a very common sexually transmitted disease that most people will have at some point during their lifetime. While there are certain strains that the body Read More

Why You Should Get a Pap Smear

Your teen is quickly becoming a young woman, and you may be wondering more about how to keep her healthy and when she should start seeing an OBGYN. Perhaps you’re Read More

What Is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?

According to the CDC, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common female reproductive disorders and also one of the most common causes of infertility. While PCOS often Read More

Vaginal Stones: What You Need To Know

We’ve all heard about kidney stones or even gallbladder stones, but you may not realize that stones can also develop in the vagina. Vaginal stones, medically known as colpolithiasis, are Read More

Treatment for a Vaginal Cyst

Harmless lumps and bumps can develop just about anywhere on the body, including the vagina. While some cysts are rather small and painless, vaginal cysts can cause pain, discomfort, and Read More

Pregnancy and UTI

Pregnancy can leave women more vulnerable to other complications, such as UTI. A urinary tract infection, or UTI, is the result of bacteria in the urethra that leads to an Read More

Natural Ways to Induce Labor

After waiting months to meet your sweet new baby, the discomfort of the third trimester can be hard to handle. You will likely be swollen, exhausted, and sore––not to mention Read More

Getting Treatment for Cervical Dysplasia

Dealing with an abnormal Pap test? This can certainly happen for several reasons and fortunately, most of them aren’t cancerous; however, if your OBGYN does suspect cervical cancer, further testing Read More

Uterine Fibroids and Pregnancy

Uterine fibroids are common benign growths that develop within the lining of the uterus. While this problem is common among young women, particularly of child-bearing age, you may be concerned Read More

Understanding Gestational Diabetes

Even if you’ve never been diagnosed with diabetes, some women can develop diabetes during pregnancy. This is known as gestational diabetes and is often diagnosed by the 24th week of Read More

What Is a Postpartum Hemorrhage?

Postpartum hemorrhage occurs when there is severe and prolonged bleeding of 500ml or more that occurs within 24 hours after giving birth. This often occurs after the placenta has been Read More

Osteoporosis and Menopause

Menopause occurs when a woman no longer has her period for a full year. While menopause can occur in a woman’s 40s, these days the average age is 51 for Read More

What Is Advanced Maternal Age?

In the US, more and more women are deciding to have children later in life. Of course, as women wait until their mid-to-late 30s or even 40s to have children Read More

What Is Vaginal Agenesis?

Vaginal agenesis is a rare congenital condition that impacts the development of a baby’s reproductive system. As a result, a baby girl may be born without certain reproductive organs or Read More

Could I Have Amenorrhea?

While everything from stress to overexercising could lead you to skip a period, if you begin missing multiple periods you may be wondering what’s going on. Could you be dealing Read More

Choosing the Right Birth Control for You

Birth control isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to family planning. What is considered ideal birth control for one woman won’t be the ideal option for another. This is why it’s important Read More

Viewing 65 - 80 out of 139 posts


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