Viewing 81 - 96 out of 139 posts


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Tracking Your Pregnancy Milestones

It might feel like those nine months are a blur of excitement, rollercoaster emotions, and planning, but each new milestone and development can be exciting for soon-to-be parents. During your Read More

Understanding the Postpartum Process

The postpartum period is defined as the first six weeks after delivery. During this time, new moms are dealing with everything from breastfeeding and changes in sleep to the ups Read More

Should I Get Tested for HPV?

HPV stands for human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted infection that is found in nearly 79 million Americans at this very moment. About 80 percent of men and women who are Read More

Getting Treatment for a Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are one of life’s unpleasant issues. Most women will experience at least one yeast infection during their lifetime. The discharge, itching, burning, and vaginal rash can leave any Read More

Recovering From a Miscarriage

We understand the turmoil and grief that comes from a miscarriage. It’s important to know that you are not alone. Miscarriages are incredibly common. In fact, about 15-25 percent of Read More

What Are Ovarian Cysts?

If you are a woman, then chances are fairly good that you’ve had an ovarian cyst before. Maybe even several already; however, it’s also just as likely that you didn’t Read More

The Benefits of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

The pelvic floor consists of muscles and connective tissue that provide support to the organs of the pelvis. The pelvic floor is important for everything from bladder and bowel control Read More

Bleeding During Your Pregnancy

A Google search will show you thousands upon thousands of women who are wondering whether bleeding is okay during pregnancy. We understand that bleeding can be scary, especially if you Read More

Signs and Symptoms of a Bladder Infection

Having trouble going? It could be due to a bladder infection. You’ve been running back and forth to the bathroom all day and you’ve noticed an increased urgency to pee, even Read More

What Is Cervical Ectropion?

Cervical ectropion, also referred to as cervical erosion, is when the glandular cells found inside the cervical canal are also found outside the cervix. This harmless, benign condition is more Read More

Understanding and Treating Your Fibroids

The NIH reports that 20-25 percent of women of reproductive age have fibroids, benign tumors that develop within the lining of the uterus. Some women have fibroids but don’t even Read More

What To Do if You Experience Pain During Sex

While it might not be a topic that we often discuss, we understand just how important it is for women to have a healthy sex life. But what happens when Read More

When To See a Lactation Consultant

Breastfeeding is one of the most natural and beautiful things in the world; however, we know that it isn’t always easy, and it most certainly doesn’t always feel natural. In Read More

Is My Pregnancy High-Risk?

Finding out you are pregnant is one of the most exciting moments in a woman's or couples’ lives; however, finding out you’re a high-risk pregnancy can be worrisome. It’s important Read More

What Is Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome?

During a woman’s natural menstrual cycle, the body releases only one egg per cycle; If a woman is having trouble getting pregnant, she may decide to undergo in-vitro fertilization. During Read More

FAQs About Pap Smears

Chances are good, especially if you are a woman over 21 years old, that you’ve heard or already undergone at least one Pap smear during your lifetime. Maybe you are Read More

Viewing 81 - 96 out of 139 posts


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